IS Full mission ship bridge simulator

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Complete training platform

Image Soft Full Mission Ship Bridge Simulator is a complete DNV Class A training platform for certified maritime training.

IS Full Mission Bridge Simulator features

Easy evaluation

To ease the student evaluation and assessment the vessel simulator features an automated question inquirer and performance evaluation tool.


Image Soft Ship Bridge Simulator is scalable with open HLA protocol to multi-bridge sessions in a variety of real life port surroundings. It is also connectable to e.g. ECDIS classrooms to run one common training scenario. The bridge itself can be mounted in modules, featuring ARPA RadarGMDSS or a selection of Sonar Simulators. The system can be configured to run Bridge Simulator for Arctic Operations according to IMO Polar Code.

Safe investment

IS Full Mission Bridge Simulator is a safe long term investment. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) has certified Image Soft Full Mission Bridge Simulator to comply with Class A Standard for Certification of Maritime Simulators No. DNV-ST-0033 June 2020.

Image Soft simulators – designed for certified maritime training.