IS GMDSS simulator
IS GMDSS Simulator is designed for acquiring GOC, the highest level radio competency within the international GMDSS system.
Image Soft GMDSS Simulator offers a training platform to learn radio communication and emergency messaging without interfering with real radio sphere.
The GMDSS is a global distress and radio communication safety system for ships. The GMDSS is an automated ship to shore system, ranging from short range radios to satellite radios and digital selective calling technology.
Generally, all GMDSS equipped vessels carry a VHF radio capable of transmitting and receiving DSC and radiotelephony, a NAVTEX receiver, a SART, 406 MHz EPIRB, and two-way VHF portable radios. Image Soft GMDSS Simulator hosts a full range of GMDSS radios. It has been designed to be used for holistic communication and SAR (Search & Rescue) training. GMDSS is an integral part of IS Full Mission Bridge Simulator, certified by DNV to comply with Class A standard. It also applies to dedicated GMDSS class training endorsed by STCW.
IS GMDSS Simulator fully complies with STCW requirements with
- Inmarsat C
- Inmarsat Fleet-77
- VHF DSC Radio
- MF/HF DSC Radio
- Portable VHF Radio
- Radio Telex (NBDP)
- Marine Safety Information (MSI)
Instructor’s tool enables the instructor to receive student calls as a dedicated coastal station, and to pick up the call as any of the listed radios.
Image Soft simulators – designed for certified maritime training